I've shared before that sometimes hauls aren't as great as I wish they would be. But a savings is a savings right?? Right. The last few visits haven't been magnificent but I think it's because I jump the gun on sales or posts about sales that I run over to grab them before they run out. Not thinking that I'm far too excited to care how much of a savings I get, but more that I'm getting a savings at all.
So I've decided not to purchase any items that won't have a greater return, unless it's an item that I'm absolutely in need for i.e. uhhhh.... a staple food, OTC meds my family or myself needs, etc. I'm hoping this change in tactic might help with the overall savings.
This is the first month I've been building up my stockpile and I've come out of pocket but not over my normal shopping budget for groceries and necessities. Somehow I've managed to keep myself under budget throughout the month and perhaps even saved as well.
The hubby was kind enough to create a small stockpile center for me in our garage, while the reorganization is going on in the garage. And probably to keep my stockpile from taking over the living room, LOL! The picture above are all the items I've purchased that are non perishable and are things like personal hygiene, cleaning supplies, and other items that can sustain the fluctuating environment a garage has.
I think I've visited it about 4 times since I've organized it and have looked at the picture on my iPhone in astonishment countless times. It's funny how attached you get to each item, knowing exactly how much you spent for it and how big of a savings it was. It's a little weird, I know. But seriously can you believe that this is a fraction of what I've purchased in the last month without going over my normal monthly grocery and shopping budget?? Leave ya' wondering why the heck I didn't do this before. Uhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Anyway, there will be some weeks that are Uh-mazing and some weeks where you save on average. The point is, you saved =D This was a bad week for me. Paying a little on the higher side but getting a great return for my next visits. I just need to learn to pace myself =D
Happy Klipping Fellow Koupon Kuties!
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