I'll never shop at Target again, just kidding! Well not really, Target's got that Costco effect. You know? The one where you come in with a list and you walk out completely ignoring the list but still manage to pay way too much when you were really supposed to be saving. Grrr...
I have to say I was still proud of myself for getting things that I knew we would eventually need in the next 3 months. Normally, my ending balances aren't so high but with summer ending and Back to School shopping and our regular stock at home diminishing, there were some things that I needed to get.. you know? To survive!
This was perhaps the wrong weekend to launch my new blog and I could have postponed it, but I wanted to make a point. You don't always have to walk out of a store with extreme savings, that's really not what all this is about - well, to me it isn't. It's about being able to stretch your dollar for items you need or will need. Forecasting savings to be had when all these shampoos, toothbrushes, razors, etc won't be on sale and you'll be stuck paying full price - blegh! That's the idea behind stock piling.
Another thing I learned today is that it's okay to spend a little bit more then what the Extreme Couponers would for things that you enjoy or prefer while still not paying full price. You can't have everything for free, I mean where would all the joy and fun be in that? Besides "shelfing" would be at a rise if things were always free, haha!
Which brings me to my next peeve. This morning I went to the gas station to pick up my usual newspapers only to discover that ALL the inserts were taken out! Yes - you read that correctly... ALL the inserts were taken out. Honest couponing is etiquette, it's really lame that people do this. It's just as bad as putting $1.50 in those automated newstands and taking the entire pile... it's called stealing people and honestly it's so NOT cute! Not to mention trashy - you're just as well off dumpster diving. Anyways, I loathe people who do these things simply because it's not fair to the other couponers or people who just enjoy reading the newspaper.
Do it with a little class people. No savings is worth your dignity.
So while I didn't fully maximize in savings during these last three shopping trips, I'm still pretty happy with what I came home with. My stock pile for Back to School has started beautifully and I think I'm pretty much well stocked up in the personal hygiene department where I can start saving some of these coupons to just maintenance my stock pile.
You have to spend some to save some. So don't be down if you walk away from a store spending a little more than you had hoped, don't forget some of these trips aren't just about extreme couponing, sometimes it's about saving on necessities.
Have a Happy Sunday my Fellow Koupon Klippin Kuties! Muahz =D
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